Both the safety of shipping and the cleanliness of oceans are promoted in many ways, one of which is the continuing development of routeing measures to control the navigation of vessels and to monitor their progress. The measures that are described or defined in parts A and H of this publication are individually described in parts B (traffic separation schemes and inshore traffic zones), C (deep-water routes), D (areas to be avoided), E (other routeing measures, such as recommended tracks, two-way routes and recommended directions of traffic flow), F (the rules and recommendations on navigation that are associated with particular traffic areas and straits), G (mandatory ship reporting systems, mandatory routeing systems and mandatory no anchoring areas) and H (archipelagic sea lanes).【世界の航路解説書】IMO国際海事機関発行の世界の海を航海する上での航路選定資料です。各国の航路や無線管制など、航海する上での必要な情報がまとめてあり、実際の航海でなくとも眺めていても興味深いです。背面にテープの跡あり、写真でご確認ください。中古品ですので神経質な方は購入ご遠慮下さい。